Our Youth Ministry is for tweens & teens in 7th-12th grade and includes:
Sunday School is focused on building a relationship with God through the study of His word and fellowship with one another. Our goal is to equip our teens with a firm foundation as they navigate faith and the demands of daily life. Classes are held weekly after worship from 10:45- 11:30 am in the months of September through May. Scroll down to register!
Local Service Projects – Our youth are encouraged to use their time and talents to forge connections with one another and help their community. Every youth has the opportunity to serve whether during worship as part of the service, Vacation Bible School, Sunday school, or church-wide community events
Mission Trips – Helping others gives our Youth the opportunity to engage in meaningful service projects that have a lasting impact on residents and communities. Our Mission Trips are one of the greatest opportunities we have to be the hands and feet of Jesus!
National Youth Gathering – This event is held every three years for teenagers 9th-12th grade.
Christ's Kids Choir is comprised of children and youth, ages 5-13, this ensemble provides a musical offering during worship once a month. The Youth Choir also participates in festival services and is the core of our annual Christmas musicals.
Rehearsal: Wednesdays, 6:00 pm-6:45 pm
Location: Room B-17
Spirit Bells is our beginning handbell ensemble, designed for youth and adults who are new to ringing handbells. The primary focus in this ensemble is to learn basic handbell ringing and handbell ringing techniques. This group provides a musical offering during worship every month as well as attend handbell workshops put on by the Greater Dallas Handbell Association.
Rehearsal: Sundays, 11:30 am - 12:15 pm
Location: Room C-201
The Lutherings is the advanced handbell ensemble at Christ the Servant. The Lutherings provides a musical offering during worship approximately once a month. In addition to music in worship, this ensemble also participates in handbell festivals and workshops hosted by the Greater Dallas Handbell Association.
Rehearsal: Sunday, 11:00 am - Noon
Location: Church Sanctuary
Confirmation class includes two years of study for 7th and 8th grade students and their parents. It is held on Sunday mornings during the Sunday School hour. Topics of study include Luther's Small Catechism, The Lord's Prayer, The Apostle's Creed, and the Ten Commandments. Along with the weekly class, our youth have several special projects to complete. Our youth are confirmed at a Sunday worship service.
For a full list of upcoming events please watch our calendar. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact the church office at 972.727.3191 or by filling out the form below.