Christ the Servant provides Christmas gifts to approximately 20 families in need every year to a local Title 1 elementary school. Serving these families is a blessing our members enjoy helping with each year.
College Care Packages
Care packages are prepared and distributed twice a year around exam times to church members who are away attending college. These care packages provide support, encouragement, and are a way for the church to stay connected with students after their high school graduation.
God's Work - Our Hands
We have assembled a team to help with work that a member of our church family needs to be done around the house. If anyone is in need, contact the church office.
Summer Lunch Program
Christ the Servant participates with other community charitable organizations and area churches during summer months to provide nutritious lunches for students from Allen elementary schools that serve low-income families.
Thanksgiving Brown Bag Meals
Our church contributes to serve those who are unable to be with their families on Thanksgiving. Our Children's Ministry makes cards and decorates brown bags; our Youth Ministry bakes desserts, and families are invited to help on Thanksgiving Day to make, stuff, and deliver bags. This has become a wonderful outreach ministry Christ the Servant offers.
If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact the church office at 972.727.3191 or by using the online contact form.