Bible Studies are offered at various times and places at Christ the Servant.
Sunday School is offered to all adults. Topics include the traditional study of books of the Bible, as well as special thematic or book studies.
Time: 11:00 am - 11:45 am
Online (Zoom) Bible Study is held on Tuesday mornings. Currently, the group is studying Disciple's Guide to the Holy Spirit by Dr. Ralph F. Wilson
Thursday morning Bible Study meets at 10 am and studies the scripture for the next Sunday.
Men's Bible Study is held on the second and fourth Saturday of the month.
Time: 8:30 AM - 10:00AM
Location: Fellowship Hall
Mini-Parish is designed to promote relationships within the team and a feeling of support, belonging, and participation with the church family by working together to support church services. Mini-Parish consists of five teams, which rotate each month to support each Sunday church service for the month. The tasks which the Mini-Parish team provides include ushers, communion assistants, readers, and refreshments for the fellowship hour.
Women of the ELCA (WELCA) is comprised of women members of Christ the Servant. Events and service projects range from making items for the needy, social events, and Wednesday morning Bible studies.
"Da'Guys" provides a social and spiritual outlet for the men of Christ the Servant Lutheran Church as well as our friends in the community. Da’Guys have provided spiritual growth through studies focused on contemporary issues facing Christian men today. We are also a fun-loving group that tries to “get out of the house” once a month to recharge the old batteries. Our big events are the annual Valentines Social, the annual Easter breakfast, and the annual Men's Retreat. Throughout the year we help out with cooking events, attended baseball games, and participate in golf outings.
Senior Servants (ages 50 years+) meet monthly for lunch at the church. We come together for sharing, caring, entertainment and fun. The intended benefit of this group is to provide additional times beyond Sunday worship for Christian interaction. We learn about each other, our community, build friendships, and serve the congregation through short-term projects.
Empty Nesters meets regularly to get to know each other and to develop relationships that will help us in our daily walk with Christ and with our neighbors. We study the Bible, share the story of our own faith journey as we listen to the stories of others, growing individually and together. We care for each other by praying for the concerns of the group, and we serve the congregation through projects.
Chancel Choir - The Chancel Choir offers a great opportunity for adults to worship together in the context of music leadership. More Information
Lutherings - The Lutherings bell choir offers another great opportunity for adults to worship together in the context of music leadership. More Information
For a full list of upcoming events watch our calendar. If you have any questions or desire additional information, please contact the church office at 972.727.3191 or fill out the form below.